
We work on projects that vary in scale, complexity and programme; ranging from architecture to urban design and research, from housing and workspaces to schools.

We are open-minded, with an eye for the lived environment, for everyday beauty and for slow living. 

To us, buildings never exist in isolation: we look beyond zoning boundaries and see the built environment, public space, the landscape and society as parts of a whole.

We aim to reveal human perceptions, memories and imagination. Our interest lies in studying how different users behave, perceive and remember their environment.

We do not believe in destroying the old to make room for the new: we focus on what is there, its cultural history, its social context and on the qualities of a district or place.

We look at the city and the land from the perspective of those who draw on all their senses to perceive and experience the built environment, those who travel about on foot or by bike; active people who move slowly.

Our objective is always to create everyday beauty. We like to draw attention to universal but forgotten values ​​that are still valid and give them new meaning through the spaces we design.

We design buildings that are robust and sturdy, radiate simplicity and are firmly grounded. At the detail level, we pursue refinement that enhances the project’s character while respecting the human scale.

Our research by design projects put contemporary issues of the profession on the agenda and offer new and pragmatic solutions to spatial, social or economic problems in both high-density urban areas and rural areas.

Our hands-on approach provides an open and refreshing view of the landscape and the built environment, and we see this as a route to new strategies, to a world that is both varied, layered and human.

We believe in cross-disciplinary collaboration, especially during the initial phase of projects when starting points have to be redefined.

Our designs, based on simplicity and paying attention to distinctive elements, succeed in creating everyday beauty even within tight budgets.

KettingHuls was founded in 2012 by Daniëlle Huls and Monica Ketting. Since 2024, buro Kettinghuls has been led by Daniëlle Huls and Luïsa Jacobse.

Read full Profile (pdf)

Awards and nominations

  • 2024Selection Young Innovators programme, Dutch Chief Government Architect & Board of Government Advisors.
    Winner 1st Prize NRP Master Prize, graduation project De Doos, master’s degree in Architecture, Rotterdam Academy of Architecture and Urban Design, National Renovation Platform.
  • 2022APA 2022, Architectuurprijs Almere 2022, Vliervelden, Oosterwold, Almere, the Netherlands.
    Nominated ArchDaily 2022 Building of the Year Awards, Restobar Mama, Maastricht, the Netherlands.
    Nominated ArchDaily 2022 Building of the Year Awards, Vliervelden, Oosterwold, Almere, the Netherlands.
  • 2021Longlist ARC21 Architecture Award, Vliervelden, Oosterwold, Almere, the Netherlands.
  • 2020Nominated for Public Building of the Year, Architectenweb Awards 2020, Restobar Mama, Maastricht, the Netherlands.
  • 2016Winner tender Atriumsite, Kerkrade, the Netherland.
    Selected Artist in Residence, Baer Art Centre, Iceland.
  • 2015Second prize, competition ‘Set foot in Sittard’, the Netherlands.
    Third prize competition ‘Ambyerveld’, Maastricht, the Netherlands.
  • 2011Prize winner ‘China Jinzhou World Landscape Art Exposition’, Jinzhou, China.


  • 2024‘Restobar Mama’, Maastricht Day of Architecture, Maastricht, the Netherlands.
    Rotterdam Architecture Month, ‘Tuin van de Stad’, De Doos, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
    ‘Zeeuwse Lichting’, CBK Zeeland, Middelburg, the Netherlands.
  • 2023‘Out of Office – Amsterdam Models on the Move’, architecture centre ARCAM, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
    ‘The New Together’, Casa Platform, Scuola Grande di Misericordia, Venice.
    ‘She Is Coool’ Pop-Up, Leliegracht, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
  • 2010Landscape Model, Delft University of Technology’s Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment the Netherlands
  • 2009‘Vrijstaat Amsterdam’, 4th International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam (IABR).
  • 2008‘Atelier Malkovich’, Nieuw en Meer, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
  • 2007‘Working Apart Together’, architecture centre ARCAM, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
  • 2006‘Kunstspoor 2006’, Noord-Beverland, the Netherlands.
    ‘Nieuw Tij, een nieuwe impuls voor Zeeland’, CBK, Middelburg, the Netherlands.
    Nieuwe Oogst BNA, architecture centre ARCAM, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
  • 2005‘De Romeinse Lijn’, Architectuurcentrum Aorta, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
  • 2002‘Van werf tot Stad, Visie op de Stadswerven’, Dordrecht, the Netherlands.


  • 2024‘Vliervelden en het boerenwerkwoonerf’, Stichting Groenveld, Natuurcollege, Kasteel Groeneveld, Baarn.
  • 2023‘Vliervelden’, Platform Architecture Festival, Scuola Grande di Misericordia, Venice.
    ‘Natuurlijk wonen op boerengrond’, Rabobank.
    Knowledge studio ‘De Boer als Buur’, Kunstlinie, Almere.
  • 2023Inspiration lecture ‘BIKE-Inc’, Masterclass, architecture centre ARCAM, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
  • 2022‘Über Vierkanter, Radfahren und Zeichnen’, Kunsthalle in Krems an der Donau, Austria.
    BIKE-Inc, an inclusive approach, Architectenweb symposium ‘Het nieuwe hybride stadsblok’, Pakhuis de Zwijger, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
    Podcast Architectenweb, interview with Michiel van Raaij, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
    Tafel van Arcam, architecture centre ARCAM, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
    De Dag van de Stad, Creative Stad, Amersfoort, the Netherlands.
  • 2017Expo for Public space, Maastricht, the Netherlands.
    Building Holland, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
    CAST, Tilburg Centre for Architecture and Town Planning, the Netherlands.
  • 2011Pecha Kucha, Inside Design, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
    Pecha Kucha, ‘Dag van de Architectuur’, UCK Utrecht, the Netherlands.
  • 2010‘Polderen bij de verstedelijking’ part 2, Dreamed Urbanism, Rode Hoed, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
  • 20094th International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam (IABR), ‘Tolhuistuin’, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
    ‘CBK Zeeland’, Middelburg, the Netherlands.
  • 2006Department of the Built Environment, Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands.
  • 2005Department of the Built Environment, Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands.
    Dutch Design Center Initiative (DDC-i), Utrecht, the Netherlands.
    UIA Congres, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • 2003Delft University of Technology’s Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, the Netherlands.

Selection of Publications

  • 2024‘9 Belangrijke Nederlandse gebouwen door vrouwen’, www.dearchitect.nl (Sofie van Brunsschot, platform Gebouwen door Vrouwen).
    ‘Zes bijzondere plekken en bouwwerken die je kunt bezoeken tijdens de Dag en Nacht van de Architectuur’ (Restobar Mama, Maastricht) de Volkskrant (Kirsten Hannema).
  • 2022‘Mixing Dwellings and Farming’ (Vliervelden, Almere), Is This Rural? The Intermediate. a+t magazine 55.
    ‘In het “Wilde Oosten” van Almere bouwen bewoners alles zelf: huizen, straten, riolering’ (Vliervelden, Almere), de Volkskrant (Kirsten Hannema).
    ‘Het stallen van tweewielers in hoogstedelijke bouwblokken’, BIKE-Inc, een inclusieve benadering (KettingHuls).
  • 2021Reizen Waes 3 (Vliervelden, Almere), www.npo3.nl (Tom Waes).
    ‘Vliervelden; wonen op een boerenerf’ (Vliervelden, Almere), www.architectenweb.nl
    ‘Vliervelden, KettingHuls’ (Vliervelden, Almere), www.dearchitect.nl
    ‘Restaurant Maastricht The Netherlands’ (Restobar Mama, Maastricht), ArchDaily.
    ‘Restobar Mama Is a Brick-Clad Restaurant with a “Carousel-Like” Canopy’ (Restobar Mama, Maastricht), Dezeen (Alyn Griffiths).
    ‘KettingHuls Design a “Restaurant in a Park” in Maastricht’ (Restobar Mama, Maastricht), Åvontuura (Karl van Es).
    ‘De kiosk is het kruispunt van het lockdownleven geworden’ (Restobar Mama, Maastricht), de Volkskrant (Kirsten Hannema).
    ‘Restobar Mama’, Schooldomein; Topos Architectuurgids 1995-2020; Project & Interieur Online / Project & Interieur 32/3.
  • 2020‘Restobar Mama’, Jaarboek Architectuur in Nederland.
  • 2019‘KettingHuls en Bureau B+B winnen herontwikkeling Baronie van Cranendonck’, www.dearchitect.nl
    ‘KettingHuls en Bureau B+B winnen prijsvraag Sports & Talent Park Sittard’ (master plan A Dedicated State of Mind), www.architectenweb.nl (Robert Muis).
    ‘KettingHuls en Bureau B+B winnen herontwikkeling Landgoed Watersley’ (master plan A Dedicated State of Mind), www.dearchitect.nl
  • 2018‘Architecture of the Open Mind’ (Vliervelden Almere, De Metropool Amsterdam) Top Architects in the Netherlands. Discover Benelux 60 (Ella Put).
    ‘Wonen bij de boer in Oosterwold (Vliervelden, Almere), www.architectenweb.nl (Robert Muis).
    ‘KettingHuls ontwerpt woningen op boerenerf Vliervelden’ (Vliervelden, Almere), www.dearchitect.nl
  • 2017‘Masterplan Innovatiepool in Turnhout’, ReScape 1.
    ‘Plan KettingHuls voor Atriumterrein Kerkrade goedgekeurd’ (Atrium Site Kerkrade), www.architectenweb.nl(Robert Muis).
    ‘Center Court Kerkrade: sport, kennis en gezondheid bij elkaar’, Chapeau Magazine 6; www.dearchitect.nl.
    [‘VIE: leven in beweging’ (Atrium Site Kerkrade), www.iba-parkstad.nl / Center Court, IBA Parkstad Nieuws, Editie 1–2017]
    ‘Turnhout omarmt kuuroordconcept’, Stedebouw & Architectuur 34/1 (2017) / Innovatiepool voor Life Science en Global Care in Turnhout.
  • 2016‘Woonblok Bolderburen, Leidsche Rijn’, www.dearchitect.nl
    Bolderburen: ‘Woonblok met landelijke binnentuin van KettingHuls’, www.architectenweb.nl.
    ‘Wandelstad’, Blauwe Kamer 3.
    ‘Groen rukt op in parkstad’, De Limburger (Simone van Hugten).
    ‘Amsterdams havengebied mag nog even blijven’ (Maakplaats Hem), Blauwe Kamer ‘KettingHuls wint prijsvraag Atriumterrein Kerkrade’, www.dearchitect.nl
    ‘Stadspark Kerkrade weer fris na renovatie’, www.architectenweb.nl
    ‘Uitbreiding woonhuis Bilthoven door KettingHuls’, www.dearchitect.nl
    ‘Maakplaats HEM, een inspirerende werkplek waar creativiteit en ondernemerschap samenkomen’, www.stedenintransitie.nl
  • 2015‘Meerwaarde creëren uit huisvesting, hoe doe je dat?’, www.insideinformation.nl
    ‘Drie winnaars prijsvraag Ambyerveld Maastricht’, www.architectenweb.nl
    Inspiratieboek Ambyerveld, Municipality of Maastricht, Maastricht-LAB.
    ‘Bestaande sloot wordt binnentuin woonblok’, www. architectenweb.nl
  • 2014SUMMA + 138, Transparencias, La transparencia y los límites, Archive, Pavilion for an artist.
  • 2013‘The Empty Land’ (a ‘Fierljep’ polder and an information centre), Jinzhou World Landscape Art Exhibition
    ‘Het Weilandwonen en de Nesteljas’, VELUX Highlights 2.

Luïsa Jacobse

Luïsa has been an architect and partner at buro Kettinghuls since 2024. Previously, from 2018 to 2023, she worked as a designer on various projects for the firm.

In 2023, she earned a master’s degree in Architecture with cum laude distinction from the Rotterdam Academy of Architecture and Urban Design. Her graduation project won the NRP Master Prize, a Dutch national award recognizing emerging talent in the fields of renovation and transformation. In 2024, she was selected for the Young Innovators programme of the Dutch Chief Government Architect & Board of Government Advisors, a platform that encourages the development of innovative ideas and contributions.

In 2017, she earned a bachelor’s degree in Design from the BA studio Public Private at the Design Academy Eindhoven. Following this, she worked as an interior designer for public spaces at Müller Van Tol. In 2018, driven by her evolving ambitions, she transitioned into the field of architecture.

Daniëlle Huls

Daniëlle has worked as an architect in Amsterdam since 1997. At first as architect-director at the Architectengroep, later in her own office Daniëlle Huls Architect. She’s worked on a wide range of commissions and has had a number of large housing projects built.

In 2007 she started work at Bureau B+B (Urban Development and Landscape Architecture) as an urban designer, and joined the board of directors two years later. At B+B, Daniëlle worked on urban plans and landscape designs in the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark and China and was involved with the redevelopment of brownfield sites as well as with the design of new suburbs.

In 2012, she cofounded KettingHuls with Monica Ketting.

Daniëlle taught at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology and at the Amsterdam Academy of Architecture and is still frequently invited to serve as a jury member on evaluation committees for various educational institutions.

She was a member of the Advisory Committee of Arcam, Amsterdam’s architecture centre, from 2019 to 2022. In 2023 Daniëlle was on the jury for the Architectuurprijs Almere, APA2024.

Daniëlle graduated as an architect from Delft University of Technology. Her thesis project was awarded with an honourable mention. She then completed the Diploma School at the Architectural Association in London (with a scholarship from the Fonds voor Beeldende kunsten).

Current team

Daniëlle Huls, founder and partner
Luïsa Jacobse, partner

Joost Körver
Marjon Mors
Mirta Piskač
Steven Reijners
Fabia Sainz Fernandez
Anastasiya Verger
Ilma de Vries

Previous Staff Members

Lars den Admirant
Beyza Altinok
Prisca Arosio
Stefano Barile
Francesca Bonato
Cristina Bestebreurtje
Gara Beukman
Robert Bijl
Mihai Ionut Blahuianu
Alain Fernandez del Rey
Alba Fiduccia
Alexandre Garcia Estelles
Sam Hamidi
Ivo de Jeu
Monica Ketting
Minyoung Kwon
Laura Olieslagers
Enrique Orts Costa
Femke Peters
Basia van Rijt
Niccolò Rimoldi
Henri Schiffer
Annebel Schijf
Tjeerd Steenhuis
Caroline Urberger
Teun Veelers
Dávid Vincze
Maartje Webbers
Cayn Wilmsen
Elisa Zampogna


Amsterdam Academy of Architecture
Beckstone B.V.
Connecting Concepts
Creative Industries Fund NL
Dutch Chief Government Architect & Board of Government Advisors
De Werf Nobelhorst B.V.
Edwin Oostmeijer Project Development
ERA Contour
Stichting Mevrouw Meijer
Heren 2
Hempoint CV
Maastricht Academy of Architecture
Madefor Projects BV
Municipality of Almere
Municipality of Amsterdam
Municipality of Best
Municipality of Den Haag
Municipality of Utrecht
OPEN Development
Rentmeester Hollandia Maatschappij NV
Rotterdam Academy of Architecture and Urban Design
Slokker Vastgoed B.V.
Tang Dynastie
Tour de Force
Vink Bouw BV
Woonzorg Nederland